Top 5 Shockingly Effective Time Management methods that helped me to get more stuff done. 5️⃣⏳

Sripaada Pendem
2 min readJun 2, 2022


The 2-Minute productivity rule :

If a task will take less than 2 minutes to do , do it right now. If it will takes longer , write it down.

The 5-Minute rule :

Whenever I find myself procrastinating on the task , I tell myself that I’m going to do it for just 5 minutes. No more , no less. 5 minutes on the timer.

Time Blocking :

Time blocking or Time boxing is simply setting a fixed amount of time for a given task. This way you can end up with blocks of time in your calendar which leaves no room for wondering what to do or for how long you should work on any given task.

Deadlines :

Deadline is a specific time and date that we choose before which we have to complete our task. Deadlines should help us plan things out since we know we have to finish them and (potentially) how long it these things should take.

The 15-Minute clock :

Divide an hour of the clock into 4 distinct blocks , 0–15 minutes , 15–30 minutes, 30–45 minutes, 45–60/00 minutes. Now these are your available time blocks you use in an hour repeatedly.

The 2-Day rule ( Bonus ) :

You won’t allow yourself to skip a goal / habit / activity for two days in a row.

P.S :

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Sripaada Pendem

A Teenager writing about interesting things which provide value.