🍅The Pomodoro Technique

Sripaada Pendem
3 min readNov 11, 2021

Upfront conclusion :

  • This is a technique/method in productivity or to get the work done with maximum efficiency and also with maximum focus.
  • Basically it follows a 25 minute of maximum work done(i.e ; staying focused) followed by a 5 min break(i.e ; reward time) and this cycle repeats.

Discovery :

  • By Francesco Cirillo in late 1980’s.
  • Each interval is known as “ Pomodoro “from the Italian word for tomato, after the tomato- shaped kitchen timer that cirillo used as a university student.

Description :

There are six steps in the original technique:

  • Decide on the task to be done.
  • Set the Pomodoro timer ( traditionally to 25 minutes ).
  • Work on the task.
  • End work, when the timer rings and put a checkmark(cycle) on a piece of paper.
  • If you have fewer than four check marks(cycles), take a short break (3–5 minutes) and then return to step 2 ;otherwise continue to step 6.
  • After four pomodoros , take a longer break (15–30 minutes) , reset your checkmark count to zero, then go to step 1.

Goal of pomodoro technique:

  • to reduce the internal and external interruptions on focus and flow.
  • A pomodoro is indivisible (i.e ; you can’t just pause the timer and take breaks and resume it).
  • If you get interrupted by other activities , that thing should be postponed (or) the pomodoro must be abandoned.

After a task is completed within the pomodoro,then remaining time could be devoted as:

  • Review and edit the work which is completed.
  • Asking what did I learn?, Correcting mistakes, thinking what can I do to make it better or different?.
  • Reviewing upcoming tasks and making preparations for it.

Francesco cirillo suggests :

Specific cases should be handled with common sense: If you finish a task while the Pomodoro is ticking, the following rule applies: If a Pomodoro begins, it has to ring. It’s a good idea to take advantage of the opportunity for overlearning, using the remaining portion of the Pomodoro to review or repeat what you have done, make small improvements, and note what you’ve learned until the Pomodoro rings.

Variations :

After. a while or if you mastered the traditional pomodoro method , or you can stay focused for a long period of time, there can be slight variations you can do:

  • increasing the length of pomodoro interval. (like increase from 25 to 45 or 90 minutes or a certain amount which you are comfortable with).
  • Monitoring your length of pomodoro periods in which you are highly productive and making changes according to that.
  • Working in natural time periods.( period between meetings, or time until kids or partner comes home , or time until the dishwasher finishes etc……
  • All of these methods preserve the core purpose of pomodoro but ,they all adjust to the respective needs of the individual.

Tools for pomodoro :

  • there are many apps available for pomodoro method if you choose digital way.
  • But, physical timer and taking note is more appealing , cause it confirms the user’s determination. to start and complete the task.

So this is about Pomodoro technique.



Sripaada Pendem
Sripaada Pendem

Written by Sripaada Pendem

A Teenager writing about interesting things which provide value.

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