How to use Google search algorithm to our productivity 😜
Every time we search any random thing on google,it just shows us some brief explanation of the thing we just googled.
So after if we scroll down, we get some random questions regarding or just possibly some random questions and it just goes on.
So, we can make this to our advantage
And how is that, we will see now,
Note : screenshots of the information that is searched in google will be ,like ,most vital thing.
Intake of information
- taking screenshots of the questions or anything googled.
- Arranging all of them in a separate folder type of thing as per your category of questions.
- Memorising them.
- Using active recall and randomly scrolling through them just as flash cards.
- Also just trying to recall the questions down them along with what you have searched.
Above one is the basic idea of how can you use this google search algorithm.
Advantages :
- it’s just like you just get a lot of info regarding your thing and also much more info regardless which is useful or not to you.
- You can just see and take what do you want and can ignore or learn which is not regarding your searched thing.
- You can just take exponential intake of info regarding your searched thing and also more of it.
- As it is a flash card type of method and your screenshots are basically flash cards so you can just randomly start at any flash card and just bash through all of them when you want to active recall them.
- With this you will see just a brief info of what you want and you can just expand them if you want.
- It is easily accessible anywhere anytime if you screenshot them on your phone.
- Just by taking and arranging screenshots regarding to the category you can just take actively recall them based on the category and it’s much more efficient.
Note :
- Let’s say you are in some kind of work you have certain deadline for it.
- You are not that into doing that as you know that you have a lot of time for that.
- And you are just procrastinating by seeing your phone and you just came to this screenshot and without knowing you will certainly try to actively recall it out of just curiosity(common human nature).
- As per Parkinson’s law after getting bored or procrastinating for long time you will just go bash through your work with more focus and efficiency as your deadline is coming up and you have limited time and you have much work to do.
- So this just helps you get your work done via Parkinson’s law and also procrastinating productively.
- So it’s just a Win-win situation.
Note :
Parkinson’s law in productivity :
Work expands as so to fill the time available for its completion.
Meaning : when you have like more time to do your work, we feel there is so much time to do that and we end up procrastinating, so it just expands to fill up that extra time.
Disadvantages :
- if you use your phone then you will most probably just see your other stuff in your phone and also just procrastinate by that.
- If you just every thing as screenshots and at the end you will have a ton of them and it will be messy and you will probably just doesn’t like that.

Above pic is an example,
- you can just use those additional questions as active recall.
- For the main question you have searched and you can just go in-depth of actively recalling it.